typografie:bkk Poster

Duration: Two weeks

typografie:bkk is a fictional typography convention created for a project in Typography 2. The original poster was printed on letter-sized paper which was then left exposed to dirt and scratches. After the distressing process, it was scanned with a broken scanner in order to further enhance its unique flaws. As for the production, 12 letter-sized pages are pasted together with a homemade mixture of Sokui; a traditional Japanese book-binding glue. Typographic inspirations were taken from the Thai AGA member: Manita Songserm and her series of typewriter-esque posters.

The poster was later on added to the 2022 SCAD GRDS Showcase catalog and was held at the exhibition on June 2nd.


Overall, this poster was extremely time consuming and enjoyable. For my portfolio class, I later added a series to enhance the project making it feel more "completed". I have several editions and renditions of the poster and worked on those to create a series of three final posters.

Poster Series

For our portfolio class, I decided to give this project life by turning it into a series of posters. This was compiled with the other versions that didn't really make the cut. I then turned the prior versions into finalized ones.