

Duration: Six weeks

High-end graphic design requires a lot of work and finesse as a thin grey line, exists between high-end and corny. After years of self-study, this was something I realized during my Print and Production class. For our final project, we were tasked with creating a look-book and products for a boutique hotel. As our professor was extremely specific on conceptualization, our concepts had to be as tight as it could be. Product shots can be found here and the physical book can be found here.


Brief & Direction

After many conceptual refinements, I landed on an extremely unique concept. A boutique hotel that is sponsored by a church (cult) that heavily believes in odd numbers; Oddeity Hotel. Many rules were created in order to create the illusion of both the church and the hotel itself.



The key visuals however, were based on brutalism and minimalism (seen in interior design). For this specific style, being efficient and minimal was key however, being thoughtful and concise was also very important. All of the images used had to line up perfectly with the style which also required many hours of research. Copy was also difficult as this boutique hotel doesn’t actually exist.


In addition to the booklet, I have also made branded products can be seen inside the rooms as well as breakfast and dinner menus for the two restaurants that are located inside Oddeity. 

The Booklet