
KIDULT Booklet

Duration: Three weeks

The world of graffiti art is extremely interesting. Commonly associated with anarchy and vast political views, graffiti artists that stand out are extremely talented and elaborate; one of them being KIDULT. A French graffiti artist who acts as an activist of the fashion. Being interested in both, graffiti and fashion; I chose KIDULT as my final project for my Media Management class. You can view the entire booklet here.


Brief & Direction

The assigned task for our final project was to create a booklet thirty-two pages long. As the page count was fairly long, we were allowed to borrow outside copy to aid the visual aspect of this booklet. As there were two written articles about KIDULT from Highsnobiety, I borrowed from these two. The key visual and overall mood for this booklet is extremely unique as there is no category that it fits in. The best string of words that categorizes the booklet would be “gothic, anarchic and chrome”. There is no key visual/theme that ties the booklet together however, due to the similarities within these topics; it made sense to me.



We were given creative freedom through out the whole project which was certainly a breath of fresh air. I was given my own due dates for each of the pages giving me time to spend more time on certain pages. Some of them being the cover and the twentieth page. As I had a specific theme in mind, my current tools were not enough which pushed me into learning the basics of 3D modeling. I utilized my newfound knowledge to create fairly interesting abstract shapes and display text.
